  • Living roof northside with vernal pool by Habitat Gardens

    Northside with vernal pool

  • Living roof northside facing west

    Northside facing west

  • Living Roof Facing East

    Southside facing east

  • Living roof southeast side

    Southeast side facing east

  • Living roof southside long view facing west

    Southside long view

  • Living roof southside vernal pool

    Southside vernal pool

  • Living roof southside close up

    Southside close up

  • Living roof westside facing south

    Westside facing south

Living Roof

Covered with Bay Area native plants, the EcoCenter’s living (or green) roof absorbs rainwater, thus reducing stormwater runoff from the building that could cause erosion.  The living roof restores habitat for wildlife (note also the two pools in the photos above), prolongs the life of the roof, provides insulation to the building’s interior, and helps reduce the urban heat island effect.  The term urban heat island refers to the phenomenon that built-up areas tend to be hotter than nearby rural and natural areas. Vegetated rooftops filter pollutants out of the air and water and store carbon thus helping to mitigate climate change. And of course the living roof is beautiful!

Lisa Lee Benjamin of Evocatalyst and Habitat Gardens won a National award for the design of the EcoCenter living roof!

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