  • Living roof northside with vernal pool by Habitat Gardens

    Northside with vernal pool

  • Living roof northside facing west

    Northside facing west

  • Living Roof Facing East

    Southside facing east

  • Living roof southeast side

    Southeast side facing east

  • Living roof southside long view facing west

    Southside long view

  • Living roof southside vernal pool

    Southside vernal pool

  • Living roof southside close up

    Southside close up

  • Living roof westside facing south

    Westside facing south

India Basin Developments

Did you know that the EcoCenter is at the northernmost part of a Bay inlet known as “India Basin?” India Basin is a hotbed of activity these days! In addition to all the work that has been done over the years to create and improve Heron’s Head Park and to clean up the old PG&E Power Plant site, many other sites along the waterfront are now being newly developed into green spaces–including at least one new park and a “blue/green corridor” path to link all the public space along the entire coastline!

With these new developments come new housing, and the development of services to serve them. New parks and new housing require the construction of new infrastructure for water, energy, sewers, and telecommunications. Development means planning, and planning means being prepared. How will India Basin’s new residents get to and from home? Where will their water come from? How will the shoreline be affected by the sea-level rise expected because of climate change?

These are important questions that need to be asked, and that need to be answered with community input to ensure positive outcomes that serve new and existing area residents alike. At the EcoCenter, we want to make sure that the non-human residents that make our parks so special – like fish, birds, and native plants – are taken into consideration with any new developments.

If you’re an area resident and are curious to hear more about what is going on in your neighborhood, or even if you’re a fan of the EcoCenter who wants to keep up on what’s going on around us, you can find more information and give your two cents at